Who are we

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Friends and Family coming together in Fellowship

We are not a church that strives to be the biggest.  We are not a church that stands on religious formality.  We are not a church that believes fear is the path for a relationship with the Lord God.

We are a church of sinners, far from perfect, but redeemed by the sacrifice Jesus gave on our behalf.  We are a church that strives to not put on fake Sunday faces and pretend everything is alright in our lives.

We are a church that is given strength through the Holy Spirit to put Love first.  To care about our family of believers more than just saying hello entering the chapel.

We are a Family who loves to have Fellowship.  Caring for one another.  Seeking God through His Holy Scripture.

What We Do

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We strive to be not only hearers of the Word, but doers of the Word as well.

Teaching the Word

We learn the Word through a systematic study of the Bible.

Teach All The World

Our members are actively supporting ministries and pastors in other countries.

Family Financial Support

We believe in caring for one another beyond a Sunday service.

Foster and training

Three years later, in another interview with The News, he went further. He said it was.

Home Studies

We believe the best way to spread the Gospel's is to open our homes for all who want to learn.

Community Caring

To be an effective witness, we have to be a loving neighbor. It is our goal to show God's love through the services of others in need.